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Naloxone rescue kits are life-savers

Herald News - 3/21/2018

Given the unfortunate truth that no person in any community is immune to the ravages and devastating effects of substance use disorder and the public health crisis that is our nation's opioid epidemic, it has become increasingly important that citizens who may witness an opioid overdose - by friend, family or stranger - get familiar with naloxone, a drug that can be administered without medical training and can save a life. Bluntly stated, overdose is no longer a rare occurrence.

If you or someone in your life suffers from substance use disorder or has been prescribed opioids, it is a sound idea to consider having naloxone rescue kits in your home and on your person.

From the Massachusetts Medical Society, here are some answers to some basic yet critical questions about naloxone.

What is naloxone?

Naloxone, commonly known by the brand name Narcan, is a drug that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Typically, the drugs come in a box, consisting of two medication-filled syringes and instructions on how to administer the drug.

How will I know if someone is overdosing and needs naloxone?

An overdose victim may lose consciousness or be unable to respond to stimulus. Victims may be awake, but unable to talk. Signs of an overdose also include: breathing that has stopped or that is very slow and shallow, a slow or non-existent pulse, a noticeable change in skin color (purple/blue or gray), choking or sounds that mimic gurgling, limp body and vomiting.

How can I get naloxone?

Naloxone can be prescribed by a physician. In fact, some prescribers include naloxone when a patient is given pain medication, particularly for high-dose medications. You may also consult your physician about obtaining a naloxone prescription not only for personal use, but also to have on hand as a safeguard for a loved one who be at risk of an overdose.

All Massachusetts retail pharmacies licensed by the Board of Pharmacy must obtain a standing order and maintain a continuous, sufficient supply of naloxone rescue kits, meaning, essentially, the drug is available at most pharmacies in the state, even without a prescription. To get a naloxone rescue kit at a pharmacy, a patient or other individual needs only an insurance card. According to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Mass Health covers the cost of naloxone for members, and most insurers in the state provide strong coverage of the drug and affordable co-pays.

For those not engaged in traditional health care, the state, has 21 locations that can provide safety-net access to naloxone, thanks to the Department of Public Health's Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution pilot program. A listing of those location can be found here.

I have no formal medical training, so can I safely deploy naloxone in an emergency?

No medical training is needed to administer naloxone. In fact, deploying the drug is quite simple. If your physician prescribes naloxone, you should ask the physician for details on using it. You also can and should consult your pharmacist when you pick up the drug. He or she will be able to provide a tutorial. Additionally, the drugs are packaged with detailed instructions.

What else should I know about naloxone?

It is vitally important to remember that you cannot save a life by using naloxone if you do not have access to the drug. Talk with your health care provider about obtaining a naloxone rescue kit. Using the drug cannot cause harm to a person, so, if in the event another medical episode was mistaken for an overdose and naloxone was deployed, no additional harm would be caused. Finally, if you are in a position in which naloxone needs to be used, please remember to call 911 and very clearly state that you believe the victim has overdosed.

Daniel Carr, MD, DPH is a professor of public health and community medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine and director of Tufts' graduate program in pain research, education, and policy. Karen Horbowicz, PharmD, RPh, BCPS is past president of the Massachusetts Pharmacists Association.